Just a final post for 2008. My sister, Kelly, had done this for her children, so I thought it would be a nice way to end the year for our girls.
R- Stands for relentless. Those of you who know Rylan are laughing right now. She accepts nothing less than the best in herself and everyone around her.
Y- Stands for youth. Rylan represents everything wonderful about being young. She's silly, trusting, full of life, and kind to all people and animals.
L- Stands for loving. Rylan is loving to all of her friends and family. She is a great snuggler and a wonderful big sister.
A- Stands for athletic. Rylan is a natural athelete. She is good at everything she tries.
N- Stands for no day is complete without her smile. When Rylan smiles, her whole face lights up. She lights up our home every day.
A- Stands for adorable. You've seen her or her picture need I say more?
V- Stands for vivacious. Avery is always full of life. She dances and sings most of the day.
E- Stands for exceptional. Avery has an exceptional vocabulary for an almost 3 year old. She can and will say anything.
R- Stands for reading. Avery is so cute when we read to her. She asks, "What's That?" about every single picture on the page. Imagine reading a book to her with multiple pictures and characters on each page. She says it so cute that we don't even mind.
Y- Stands for youngest. Avery is our baby.