Thursday, October 30, 2008

There was a hole in the middle of the mouth...the prettiest hole that you ever did see...

My little Rylan lost her first tooth last night. She was so excited. Mike and I were also thrilled to sneak into her room and play tooth fairy. She woke up right after we slid it under her pillow. I was sure that we were busted, but she had no idea. She was excited to receive her letter from the tooth fairy and her ticket to see High School Musical 3 at the movies. I have attached a picture of her smiling her huge grin. This was a quick snap last night with bounced flash (still learning), so don't hold me to the technical aspects of it. By the way, I asked her if it felt weird, and she said, "No, I've had a lot of practice with the space on the top!) That's Ryley: Always looking at the bright side of everything.

1 comment:

Lori said...

Yay Ryley!!! (and the flash looks perfect..)