Friday, August 8, 2008

Dog Days of Summer

It's feels like summer is on its way out, but we are doing everything we can to hold onto it. We are spending as much time as possible at the pool, and the girls are loving it. They both have new swim goggles. Ryley loves her "big girl" goggles that allow her to put her head under water, and she has started jumping in more since she is wearing them. Avery does not want to take her purple octopus "woggles" off. She ate lunch in them yesterday even though they were fogged over! As soon as we come down the stairs, she starts asking for "my woggles" "my woggles". I know that the leaves will start to turn and fall in no time flat, and my big girl will be headed off to kindergarten, but we are determined to make the most out of what sunny days we have left.

1 comment:

Lori said...

awww, so cute! I can't believe Ryley's about to start Kindergarten! Such a big milestone! You better take pictures of her leaving for her first day at school!