Monday, September 15, 2008

My new favorite picture

This picture is my new favorite.  I love that I captured my girls during a moment of pure love and affection.  When we decided to have another child, I worried that Ryley would feel threatened.  She had been our baby for 3 1/2 years.  It has been the exact opposite.  She has embraced her role as big sister.  It is amazing to see the ways that she has matured and changed since Avery's birth.  Here we are 2 1/2 years later, and seeing this picture makes me even more pleased that we did take that step.  It was so worth it.  Not only did we gain our beautiful, Avery, without whom I now know our life would not be complete, we gave Rylan a beautiful gift.  A friend, a playmate, a wrestling partner-a sister.

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