Friday, June 6, 2008

New Territory

This is new territory for me...I used to love to journal, but that fell by the wayside when the mothering began. So, this will be my attempt at journaling. I'm horrible at writing in the girls' baby books. I'm a little better at taking pics and videos. Maybe I can capture some aspects of their daily cuteness on here.

Yesterday was an awful "mom day" for me. It rained a lot on Wednesday night causing an abundant growth of fungi. Avery managed to get one of these mushrooms in her mouth at the park. Needless to say, on the advice of poison control, we raced to the local ER. She is fine. We don't think she even swallowed a piece of it, but she had to drink charcoal (imagine drinking motor oil) which will pass through her clearing out any possible poison. Fun Times. Just thankful my little princess is o.k.

On a lighter note, Ryley had her dance recital last Saturday. What a proud moment for Mike and I! She was the most beautiful mouse on stage.

1 comment:

juju said...

Just wanted to let you know how proud I am of you for being a great mom and wife and daughter. I am so proud of My beautiful two granddaughters. they are a fantastic gift from God.also I don't want to forget michael. He is a wonderful father and Husband. We love you four so much. juju